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Top 10 Martial Arts Actors

So In looking to get a video out a bit more frequent then every two weeks I’m looking at doing some Top 10 lists and will be promoting a new show later on.. anyway here is first said top 10:


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WATCH: Volcano High (Subbed Original Korean Cut)

This next week’s review is possibly my most obscure choice yet. Its a persional favourite of mine and one that American readers might know of through its aweful MTV dub. Anyway alot of you still won’t have seen the original film but thankfully its watchable in full on youtube so i’m giving you the chance to watch it before you read the review…

WATCH: Volcano High

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Unlucky Stars: IndieGoGo Campaign

OK you all know I’m a big action film fan and i do feel like old school martial arts films are starting to become a little bit of a rarity which is a sad thing. However there are still people passionate about the genre and I believe in supporting these film makers and martial artists as best I can so I present to you Unlucky Stars! There looking for backers to complete the film here.

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The LXD Season 1 Review: Part 1

For those of you who don’t know the LXD or Legion of Extraordinary Dancers is an online web series created by John Chu, and while you may have seen them perform on TV or along side the Glee cast at concerts their web series is more then just performances, its a about people who can harness powers through dance and use it to fight a number of evil groups harnessing this power for evil. Though the first series is a series of short stories essentially introducing the heroes of the franchise, each one mostly self contained and more in style to a music in most cases.

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Not just Reviews!

Hi everyone,

New reviews might be a little slower then usual as over the next week I’ll also be writing articles for a few other sites, and while they’ll be hosted else where you’l see the link’s to them here along with everything else.

And in between that you’ll see my next review come in 2 parts as I cover the first season of the on line Web series the LXD or Legion of Extraordinary Dancers.

Also in the future you can look forward to another Power Rangers based review as that’s my highest request subject by far!… not decided what yet but I’m you’ll al suggest stuff for me to cover.


Movie Posters

Something i wanted to share from my Forbidden Kingdom Review, while I was doing research I came across all the posters that were made for the foriegn releases, they look awesome and i hate that none of them were never shown on display in the UK. So heres a small selection, of them, ifyou want to see bigger desktop background sizes just google it as there everywhere.


Also next review is Kamen Rider W Returns: Accel! So see you then


Forbidden Kingdom

So imagine this, its 2007 and you see a trailer for what had the potential to be one of the greatest martial arts films of the decade, potentially all time. It, for the first film, had Jackie Chan and Jet Li starring together in a big fantasy action epic. Well I never saw a trailer for it again; somehow it went straight through the cinemas in the blink of an eye lid… and I was more than a little annoyed. Still I eventually got the DVD; saw the film and it became one of the greatest martial arts films I’d ever seen, but with the benefit of experience how does it hold up? Let’s have a look:











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When a film isn’t what you remember

While re watching Forbidden Kingdom for my review it occurred to me that the quality of the film, in particular the fights, weren’t what I remembered. While the highlight of the film is the mid film fight between Jackie Chan’s and Jet Li’s characters, the drunken immortal and silent monk. Anyway I don’t know if it’s because since 2007 I’ve seen work of so much higher quality from the two of them .. most notably Jet Li  with Donnie Yen in Hero.

I’ll delve into it in full in the review but I think small things here and there that the first time I either didn’t notice of just didn’t care as the film is entertaining, and funny as hell in places. But i wonder how many people find a film that really still feels the same to watch even after a few years have passed, whether it’s seeing it for the second time or just something you watch a lot. what films stand up still in your eyes?


Power Rangers RPM: Episode 1: The Road to Corinth

I was a big Power Rangers fan in the 90s, millions of kids were and I was at the younger age of Bandai’s (PR owners for first 10 years) target audience. I drifted off after a few years with a few occasions bringing me back to watch specials, the killing of Zordon, the 10 Red Ranger team up anniversary episode, Tommy’s return for the 12th season, you the idea but Power Rangers RPM (17th series) was first and to date only series I’ve ever found myself watching every week for the duration of the series run.

As a change to my general formula for this review I’m going to try and explain why RPM was so revolutionary to Power Rangers (all my opinion but I believe a lot of my views are shared) as I narrate the events of the first episode and discuss a broader area of information relating to the future of the series, PR in general and Super Sentai (The Japanese series PR uses footage from, I’ll assume you’re familiar with the general ideas of what’s borrowed from the Japanese counterparts.)








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Mass Effect 2 DLC: Arrival

Anyway Arrival is the final DLC released for Mass Effect 2 and supposed to the start of the bridging between Mass Effect 2 and 3, along with various other spin off media. After the bucket load of awesome that was the Lair of the Shadow Broker everyone was expecting excellence in all areas, and does it deliver something unforgettable? Ultimately…  No.

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Right, first off lets clear up any confusion you might have by the title; I’m not talking about last years (2011) film Drive, that stars Ryan Gosling, nor am I referring to the very short lived TV series that starred Nathan Fillion (though that was awesome itself). I’m talking about the 1998 film DRIVE starring Mark Decascos (yep the Iron Chef) and Kadeem Hardison. It was a direct-to-DVD release and if you’ve seen it your opinion will probably be affected by what region you bought the film in…











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